Let There Be Light! What All the Winter Holidays Have in Common

Did you ever wonder why almost every religious tradition has a major holiday at or near the end of December? For the Christians it is the Christmas season, Jews observe Hanukkah, some African-Americans celebrate Kwanzaa. In Scandinavia the Feast of St. Lucia is observed, and in China Dong Zhi is celebrated. These are just a few of the holidays that take place throughout the world this time of year.

What is even more interesting is that these different holidays share common symbolic characteristics—virtually all of them feature ritual “light,” whether it be in terms of candlelight, sunlight, starlight, or moonlight, and most of them occur just before or at the same time as the beginning of a new year.

This is because the Winter Solstice, which takes place around Dec. 21, marks the longest night and shortest day of the year, and in ancient times, it symbolized the dying away of one cycle of a life and the beginning of another.

For thousands of years, civilizations saw the religious cycle of human life, death, and regeneration as a dramatic natural cycle that took place in a cosmos that consisted of a Mother Goddess’ body. Winter darkness signified a sense of returning to the womb and coming back into the light of rebirth. This is evident from the structure and orientation of ancient temples and places of worship. Many (like those in Malta, Ireland, etc.) are situated so that when the solstice sun rises, it pierces through the earth or rock goddess “body” shape of the temple and shines on the altar area, like she is being impregnated. The same phenomenon can be seen at Stonehenge. Labyrinths were formed in the ancient days to signify going back into the mother’s womb and being reborn.

As patriarchal religions replaced ancient goddess-centered traditions, the rituals and symbols of these major life transitions were adapted to new cultural constructs but kept much of their original character and meaning—passing through the seasonal “death” at the end of the harvest and back into the light of a new year, new hope, and new life.

Have a wonderful winter solstice!



The Vestal Virgins

On my recent trip to Rome to finish researching St. Cecilia’s life for my historical fiction novel, Virgin Martyr,

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